Thursday, February 22, 2024

Redis RAG with Nvidia NeMoGuardrails


This post will cover the usage of guardrails in the context of an RAG application using Redis Stack as the vector store.  
  • Nvidia's guardrail package is used for the railed implementation.
  • Langchain LCEL is used for the non-railed implementation.
  • Content from the online Redis vector search documentation is used for the RAG content
  • GUI is implemented with Chainlit

Application Architecture

This bot is operating within a Chainlit app.  It has two modes of operation:  
  • 'chain' - no guardrails
  • 'rails' - NeMo guardrails in place for both user inputs and LLM outputs


Bot without rails

This first screenshot shows the bot operating with no guardrails.  It does just fine until an off-topic question is posed - then it cheerfully deviates from its purpose.

Bot with rails

Same series of questions here with guardrails enabled.  Note that it keeps the user on topic now.

Code Snippets

Non-railed chain (LCEL)

Railed with NeMO Guardrails


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