Sunday, November 19, 2023

DICOM Image Caching with Redis


This post covers a demonstration of the usage of Redis for caching DICOM imagery.  I use a Jupyter Notebook to step through loading and searching DICOM images in a Redis Enterprise environment.


Redis Enterprise Environment

Screen-shot below of the resulting environment in Docker.

Sample DICOM Image

I use a portion of sample images included with the Pydicom lib.  Below is an example:

Code Snippets

Data Load

The code below loops through the Pydicom-included DICOM files.  Those that contain the meta-data that is going to be subsequently used for some search scenarios are broken up into 5 KB chunks and stored as Redis Strings.  Those chunks and the meta-data are then saved to a Redis JSON object.  The chunks' Redis key names are stored as an array in that JSON object.

Search Scenario 1

This code retrieves all the byte chunks for a DICOM image where the Redis key is known.  Strictly, speaking this isn't a 'search'.  I'm simply performing a JSON GET for a key name.

Search Scenario 2

The code below demonstrates how to put together a Redis Search on the image meta-data.  In this case, we're looking for a DICOM image with a protocolName of 194 and studyDate in 2019.


Copyright ©1993-2024 Joey E Whelan, All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Redis Vector Database Sizing Tool


In this post, I cover a utility I wrote for observing Redis vector data and index sizes with varying data types and index parameters.  The tool creates a single-node, single-shard Redis Enterprise database with the Search and JSON modules enabled.

Code Snippets

Constants and Enums

Redis Index Build and Data Load

Sample Results


Copyright ©1993-2024 Joey E Whelan, All rights reserved.

Redis Search - Rental Availability


This post covers a very specific use case of Redis in the short-term rental domain.  Specifically, Redis is used to find property availability in a given geographic area and date/time slot.


Code Snippets

Data Load

The code below loads rental properties as Redis JSON objects and US Postal ZIP codes with their associated lat/longs as Redis strings.

Property Search

The code below represents an Expressjs route for performing searches on the Redis properties.  The search is performed on rental property type and geographic distance from a given location.


Copyright ©1993-2024 Joey E Whelan, All rights reserved.