Given we're using Jersey (a servlet) to implement the REST services, a logical place to implement HTTP Basic Auth would be at the servlet container level. In this case - that's Apache Tomcat. That can be easily implemented by adding configuration to two areas in Tomcat's config files: web.xml and tomcat-users.xml
web.xml configuration:
REST calls
<realm-name>CTISpan REST</realm-name>
tomcat-users.xml configuration:
<role rolename="ctispan"/>
<user username="client" password="password" roles="ctispan"/>
Note the relationship between the two files - specifically the "role-name" property.
Client Side
Implementing Basic Auth on the client side is a simple matter of adding the Jersey-provided Basic Auth filter to the client.
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter;
private ClientRS(URI uri, String clientname, String clientpassword)
logger.debug("Entering ClientRS(uri= " + uri +
", clientname= " + clientname +
", clientpassword= " + clientname + ")");
ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
this.client = Client.create(config);
if (clientname != null && clientpassword != null)
this.client.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(clientname, clientpassword));
this.service = this.client.resource(uri);
logger.debug("Exiting ClientRS()");
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