Saturday, October 15, 2022

Redis + Mongo Document (JSON/Search) Commands Comparison


This post will demonstrate equivalent Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) commands in MongoDB and Redis.  I provide examples from Mongo's shell (mongosh), Redis CLI, node-redis client lib, and redis-py client lib.

Sample Data Set

Below is a snippet of the JSON document that is used in all the examples.

        "item": "journal", 
        "qty": 25, 
        "tags": ["blank", "red"], 
        "dim_cm": [ 14, 21 ], 
        "size": { 
            "h": 14, 
            "w": 21, 
            "uom": "cm"
        "status": "E"  
        "item": "notebook", 
        "qty": 50, 
        "tags": ["red", "blank"], 
        "dim_cm": [ 14, 21 ], 
        "size": { 
            "h": 14, 
            "w": 21, 
            "uom": "cm" 
        "status": "E" 

Create Operation

Mongo Shell

{ _id: 1, item: "journal", qty: 25, tags: ["blank", "red"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ], size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, status: "E"  },
{ _id: 2, item: "notebook", qty: 50, tags: ["red", "blank"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ], size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, status: "E" },
{ _id: 3, item: "paper", qty: 100, tags: ["red", "blank", "plain"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ], size: { h: 19, w: 22.85, uom: "cm" },status: "B"  },
{ _id: 4, item: "planner", qty: 75, tags: ["blank", "red"], dim_cm: [ 22.85, 30 ], status: "C" },
{ _id: 5, item: "postcard", qty: 45, tags: ["blue"], dim_cm: [ 10, 15.25 ], status: "D" }

{qty: 1},
{item: 1},
{tags: 1},
{size: 1},
{status: 1}

Redis CLI

JSON.SET inventory:1 . '{"item":"journal","qty":25,"tags":["blank","red"],"dim_cm":[14,21],"size":{"h":14,"w":21,"uom":"cm"},"status":"E"}'
JSON.SET inventory:2 . '{"item":"notebook","qty":50,"tags":["red","blank"],"dim_cm":[14,21],"size":{"h":14,"w":21,"uom":"cm"},"status":"E"}'
JSON.SET inventory:3 . '{"item":"paper","qty":100,"tags":["red","blank","plain"],"dim_cm":[14,21],"size":{"h":19,"w":22.85,"uom":"cm"},"status":"B"}'
JSON.SET inventory:4 . '{"item":"planner","qty":75,"tags":["blank","red"],"dim_cm":[22.85,30],"status":"C"}'
JSON.SET inventory:5 . '{"item":"postcard","qty":45,"tags":["blue"],"dim_cm":[10,15.25],"status":"D"}'

FT.CREATE inventoryIdx ON JSON PREFIX 1 inventory: SCHEMA $.item AS item TEXT $.qty AS qty NUMERIC $.tags.* AS tags TAG $.dim_cm[0] AS dim_cm_0 NUMERIC $.dim_cm[1] AS dim_cm_1 NUMERIC $.status AS status TEXT $.size.h AS sizeh NUMERIC $.size.w AS sizew NUMERIC $.size.uom AS sizeuom TEXT

node-redis (Javascript)

for (let item of dataset) {
   await client.json.set(`inventory:${itemNum++}`, '.', item);
await client.ft.create('inventoryIdx', {
   '$.item': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT,
      AS: 'item'
   '$.qty': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
      AS: 'qty'
   '$.tags.*': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.TAG,
      AS: 'tags'
   '$.dim_cm[0]': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
      AS: 'dim_cm_0'
   '$.dim_cm[1]': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
      AS: 'dim_cm_1',
   '$.status': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT,
      AS: 'status'
   '$.size.h': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
      AS: 'sizeh'
   '$.size.w': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.NUMERIC,
      AS: 'sizew'
   '$.size.uom': {
      type: SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT,
      AS: 'sizeuom'
}, {
   ON: 'JSON',
   PREFIX: 'inventory:'

redis-py (Python)

itemNum = 1

for dataItem in dataset:
   client.json().set(f'inventory:{itemNum}', '.', dataItem)
   itemNum += 1

index_def = IndexDefinition(
schema = (  TextField('$.item', as_name='item'),
            NumericField('$.qty', as_name='qty'),
            TagField('$.tags.*', as_name='tags'),
            NumericField('$.dim_cm[0]', as_name='dim_cm_0'),
            NumericField('$.dim_cm[1]', as_name='dim_cm_1'),
            TextField('$.status', as_name='status'),
            NumericField('$.size.h', as_name='sizeh'),
            NumericField('$.size.w', as_name='sizew'),
            TextField('$.size.uom', as_name='sizeuom')

Read Operation - Compound Query

Mongo Shell

db.inventory.find( {
     status: "E",
     $or: [ { qty: { $lt: 30 } }, { item: /^pa/ } ]
} )

Redis CLI

FT.SEARCH inventoryIdx '(@status:E) ((@qty:[-inf (30])|(@item:pa*))'

node-redis (Javascript)

await'inventoryIdx', '(@status:E) ((@qty:[-inf (30])|(@item:pa*))');

redis-py (Python)

client.ft('inventoryIdx').search(Query('(@status:E) ((@qty:[-inf (30])|(@item:pa*))')).docs

Update Operation

Mongo Shell

   { _id: 2 },
     $inc: { qty: 5 },
     $set: {
       item: "spiral notebook",

Redis CLI

JSON.NUMINCRBY inventory:2 '.qty' 5
JSON.SET inventory:2 .item '"spiral notebook"'

node-redis (Javascript)

await client
   .json.numIncrBy('inventory:2', '.qty', 5)
   .json.set('inventory:2', '.item', 'spiral notebook' )

redis-py (Python)

pipe = client.pipeline()
pipe.json().numincrby('inventory:2', '.qty', 5)
pipe.json().set('inventory:2', '.item', 'spiral notebook') 

Delete Operation

Mongo Shell

db.inventory.deleteOne( { "_id" : 2 } )

Redis CLI

JSON.DEL inventory:2

node-redis (Javascript)

await client.json.del('inventory:2');

redis-py (Python)


Source (with more examples)

Copyright ©1993-2024 Joey E Whelan, All rights reserved.