Sunday, November 19, 2023

DICOM Image Caching with Redis


This post covers a demonstration of the usage of Redis for caching DICOM imagery.  I use a Jupyter Notebook to step through loading and searching DICOM images in a Redis Enterprise environment.


Redis Enterprise Environment

Screen-shot below of the resulting environment in Docker.

Sample DICOM Image

I use a portion of sample images included with the Pydicom lib.  Below is an example:

Code Snippets

Data Load

The code below loops through the Pydicom-included DICOM files.  Those that contain the meta-data that is going to be subsequently used for some search scenarios are broken up into 5 KB chunks and stored as Redis Strings.  Those chunks and the meta-data are then saved to a Redis JSON object.  The chunks' Redis key names are stored as an array in that JSON object.

Search Scenario 1

This code retrieves all the byte chunks for a DICOM image where the Redis key is known.  Strictly, speaking this isn't a 'search'.  I'm simply performing a JSON GET for a key name.

Search Scenario 2

The code below demonstrates how to put together a Redis Search on the image meta-data.  In this case, we're looking for a DICOM image with a protocolName of 194 and studyDate in 2019.


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