Sunday, March 2, 2025

Geospatial Search with Redis and Apache Pinot


For this post, I'll be discussing Redis Enterprise and Apache Pinot set up in Docker. 
  • 3-node Redis environment
  • 4-node Pinot environment
  • 1M synthetic JSON records representing a user's geographic location
  • Equivalent geospatial search queries for both environments


Data Generation

Synthetic records are created with a Python function that utilizes the Faker library. They are saved to a file called locations.json.  A snippet of the data generator is below.

Redis Deployment


Three Redis nodes are created.

Cluster Build, DB creation, Index Build, Data Load

Nodes are joined into a Redis cluster. A single-shard database is then created, along with an index. Finally, the database is populated from a JSON file with Riot.

Redis Insight

Pinot Deployment


A 4-node Pinot cluster is created in docker-compose.  Pinot Controller definition is below.

Schema/Table Build, Data Load

Pinot Console


The query below finds the count of users within a polygon defined as the boundaries of the State of Colorado.


